Host your projects
and for cheap

We provide cheap and reliable hosting to everyone!


Fast. Reliable. Easy.

We strive to provide the most reliable and cheap hosting in the industry.

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Why choose us?

We have a lot of competitors. Here's what makes us different and better.

Very High Uptime

Our servers are almost always online.


Low latency hosting, our servers are located at Germany and Britain.

Continuous integration

Update files directly on Github commit.

Amazing Support

Get support 24/7, Thanks to our international staff team.

International Community

Our community of 2000+ Discord users can provide support, guidance and help.

Well rated

We have an almost perfect rating on our TrustPilot.

Epikhost can help you scale your products

Host your discord bots, websites, games and VPS' with one of the most Reliable, Fast, and Professional hosts in the market.


Ready to get started?

We have a generous cheap tier available to get you started right away.